Reasons to Install a Frameless Shower in Your Bathroom

When installing a glass shower in your home, one of the main decisions to make is how much framing to opt for. Should you install a frameless or fully framed model? Here are some reasons to go for the frameless option.


If you want to create a sense of spaciousness in a compact bathroom, frameless showers are ideal. These structures are connected with hinges and brackets, which are relatively discreet. The enclosure consists mainly of smooth glass. Your bathroom, therefore, won't be cut into two distinct zones, which will make it appear smaller overall.

On the other hand, fully-framed showers give a different impression because they feature metal framing around all four edges of the glass screens. The metal borders clearly separate the shower area from the open floor space, making it seem smaller.

Less clutter

A frameless shower will give your bathroom a sleeker look as it features less visual clutter created by metal hardware. Its clean design won't detract from other design elements in the bathroom that you want to highlight. For example, you may choose to lay ivory travertine tiles on the walls or install a timber vanity unit. These features can be allowed to shine without a cumbersome shower drawing attention away from them.

Easier to Clean

Another reason to opt for a frameless shower is that they're easier to clean than fully-framed designs. Glass panels are simple to wipe using a squeegee or microfiber cloth. However, the hardware and glass connections create crevices that can encourage mould and mildew to develop. These areas require special attention when cleaning. Because a frameless shower has only small hardware pieces, it has fewer problem areas. Fully-framed designs compel you to wipe along the edges of the glass screens, along the crevices.

Custom Shapes and Sizes

You can construct frameless shower screens to create a custom shape and size, making the most of your bathroom area. For example, if it's tiny, you could build a compact shower or construct one with a hexagonal or rounded shape that preserves floor area. In a long, narrow room, you could set up an oblong shower. With the glass screens of a custom frameless design, you can connect them in different ways to maximise available space.

Plus, a custom frameless design gives you more flexibility in decorative glass options. You could choose frosted screens with a uniform sheen or etched patterns, which will make the shower more private. Textured and toned glass screens will have a similar effect.

Reach out to a professional who can tell you more about frameless shower screens

About Me

Maintaining Glass in Your Home

Hey! My name is Rich and I would like to talk to you about all of the glass in your home. Many people do not realise just how much glass is in their home until someone explains it to them and they really take the time to think about it. For example, you may have a glass splashback on your kitchen sink, a glass shower screen and glass in internal doors. All of this glass will need to be properly maintained to keep it in top condition. I am not a professional, but I learnt a lot about glass care when I had to replace some damaged glass in my home. I hope you like my blog.



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