Before the Storm: Preparing Your Windows for Extreme Weather

Australia is no stranger to extreme storms, meaning that many Australian homeowners have faced the daunting task of cleaning up after the ferocity of such an event. This cleanup can be minimised by preparing your home for extreme weather as soon as it has been forecast. The extent of your preparations will depend on your available time and resources, but one of the areas that need due attention is your windows. Glass can be shattered by strong winds and the subsequent flying debris, which essentially breaches your home, exposing it to the elements and making it susceptible to further damage. So when the forecast calls for a storm, what should you do to protect your windows?

Flying Debris

If the wind is of sufficient strength to scoop up a heavy object and fling it through one of your windows, then this is out of your control, right? To a certain degree, yes, and yet you can reduce the chances of this happening by removing any likely objects that could cause damage. Outdoor furniture, potted plants, and indeed anything in the vicinity should be safely secured in your garage. Garden debris should also be removed and secured. You might also wish to prune your trees to remove any problematic branches (old, large branches which could easily detach in strong winds). It's essential that you do this as soon as storm warnings are issued since it's dangerous to still be working outside when the weather front arrives.

Securing Windows

It might seem a step too far to actually board up your windows, but it's a personal choice that can depend on the expected strength of the incoming storm. Preparation is imperative, and you will need to have the necessary plywood sheets cut to size well before the arrival of any storm. Another option is to secure your windows with durable packing/gaffer tape on the interior surface of the glass. The tape will reduce shattering if the window was to be breached. If you have exterior window shades, these need to be retracted. If left extended, they can easily catch the wind and be wrenched from their foundations.

Don't Delay

Hopefully, your windows (and the rest of your home) will be spared in the event of an extreme storm, but what should you do if you suffer a breakage? Don't delay in calling a company to take care of your necessary glass window repairs. Remember that there will be many other households in a comparable position, so it's crucial to immediately arrange repairs, essentially so that a service person is sent out as soon as the strong weather subsides. Ask your chosen company if they also provide site cleaning (total removal of all broken glass) as part of their service.

Sometimes storm damage is inevitable, but you can do your part to keep it as minimal as possible.

About Me

Maintaining Glass in Your Home

Hey! My name is Rich and I would like to talk to you about all of the glass in your home. Many people do not realise just how much glass is in their home until someone explains it to them and they really take the time to think about it. For example, you may have a glass splashback on your kitchen sink, a glass shower screen and glass in internal doors. All of this glass will need to be properly maintained to keep it in top condition. I am not a professional, but I learnt a lot about glass care when I had to replace some damaged glass in my home. I hope you like my blog.



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